Bar Mitzvah Paintings from photos

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Mitvah painting shows sports theme in setting of the Crystal Ballroom, with siblings and grandparents at the front, along the bottom of the painting, family portrait on the movie screen left side with rah rah dancers below.  Theme colored balloons by the Sport Balls Cake (which has the honoree's name and Bar Mitzvah date etched around the side), Special VIP's duirng the lighting of candles are seen below the Zach Balloons, and the mirror behind them reflects the Hora.  One of the The Table Centerpieces is shown on right and parents are on the dance floor.  

This Bar Mitzvah painting was done from several photographs after the event. 

  Details from painting are below.

Detail:  Bar Mitzvah family with cake - with Bar Mitzvah date - and candles

Detail:  table setting with florals and above is a movie screen which I used to show the Mother Son dance. 

© Joan Zylkin 2000                                                           tel:  302.475.0990